Career & Wealth Horoscope

Career & Wealth Horoscope

₹ 1100

It is necessary to carefully review your astrological chart, which contains the planets Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury as well as six of the 12 astrological Houses, in order to provide accurate answers to these challenging questions. Each of these Houses has a subtle impact on your career and financial situation.

Saturn can reveal details about your work ethic, ability to deliver top-notch service, and any possible karmic roadblocks in your way.

Jupiter is examined to determine your potential for wealth, how to activate any past-life merit that may be available to you at this time, as well as how well you will be able to receive and make use of wise advice. Jupiter may also reveal to us unfavourable karma from past lives, including instances in which you may have mistreated money or disregarded the counsel of more spiritually advanced mentors.

Mercury is examined to determine your natural propensities for success in business, your abilities to buy or sell in the market (including the capacity to offer others your services), and your aptitudes for speaking, handling numbers, marketing, and managing details. Mercury can reveal to us how effectively you can seize fresh opportunities and how quickly you can adapt to novel circumstances.

We examine your chart's second, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth, and eleventh houses to see what they reveal about your career and personal finances:

The second house offers advice on the best method of financial management for you as well as clear indicators about your potential for income and cash flow.
The fifth house reveals your potential for monetary gain through investments and speculation.
Your ability to accept financial assistance from others is represented by the sixth house.
7th House: Outlines your top options for doing business with others, including your ability to team up with others (people, companies, etc.) or form business alliances and partnerships.
8th House: Indicates possible obstacles as well as possible recompense for lottery or inheritance luck.
The 10th house also reveals the careers you are most likely to succeed in and offers a deeper understanding of your higher purpose and suggested course of action while still on earth. It also outlines your career potential.
11th House: Expresses your propensity for profit-making as well as your ability to enjoy and wisely use the money you accumulate—or your limitations therein.

You might, for example, be examined and found to have a talent for investing despite having a low-paying job. Astrologers may also conclude that you have planetary support to inherit money or win the lottery. One astrological principle states that regardless of whether your wealth is the result of influences from the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 10th Houses, you will never be able to access or enjoy it fully without proper influence from the 11th house of fulfilment of desires. Due to the significance of this topic, we offer a range of astrological reports to satisfy your specific needs. We suggest using the Know Your Good and Bad Planets Report and the 1-Year Financial Forecast, two fundamental diagnosis tools, if you are unsure of where to start. These two key reports can teach you more about your specific areas of concern.